Sunday, August 9, 2009

Inter-Buddhist Youth Fellowship Games 2009

Updated with rules and new category!

In conjunction with Buddhist Institute Sunday Dhamma Schools' (BIDSD) 80th anniversary, they are organizing the first
Inter-Buddhist Youth Fellowship Games in their efforts to promote 'Dhamma-in-Motion' through sports and games.

Aiming to bring Buddhist organizations together in the name of fellowship and unity amongst youths in the spirit of Kalyana Mitra, the activities are mostly team games which is said to be exciting and challenging!

Here are the deets:

Date: 6th September, 2009 (Sunday)
9 am - 6 pm
Victoria Institution KL
15 - 30 years old (both male & female)

And for the activities and categories that you can join:
  1. Basketball

    • 7 players per team - 5 on court and 2 Reserve players
    • Males only
    • Each game is approximately 20 minutes
      (1st half: 8 minutes / Break: 3 minutes / 2nd Half: 8 minutes)
    *Kindly email for “Official Basketball Rules” The match will follow closely to the rules from there.

  2. Captain Ball

    • 9 players per team - 7 on court and 2 Reserve players
    • Females only
    • Makeup of 7-a-side team: 1 Catcher, 1 Blocker, 5 Runners
    • The Catcher is to remain on the Chair at all times.
    • The Blocker is not allowed to go beyond the defending half of the court.
    • Each game is approximately 20 minutes
      (1st half: 8 minutes / Break: 3 minutes / 2nd Half: 8 minutes)


    • A goal/point is scored when the catcher takes possession of the ball (with both hands on the ball) and holds onto it for at least 3 seconds whilst on the chair.
    • A successful goal shall count as one point.
    • After a goal is scored, game play will resume with a pass from the non-scoring team’s Blocker.


    • A Jump Ball takes place at the start of the game when the Referee tosses the ball between any two opposing players at the center of the court.
    • Each Jumper shall stand with her feet within her own Defending Half.
    • The Referee shall then toss the ball vertically upwards between the Jumpers to a height greater than either of them can reach by jumping.
    • The ball must be tapped with the hand(s) by one or both of the jumpers after it reaches its highest point.


    • Rolling substitutions are allowed throughout the game.
    • There will be no stopping of time during substitutions.


    • The player is out-of-bounds when she touches the floor or any object on or outside a boundary.
    • The ball is out-of-bounds when it touches a player who is out-of-bounds or any other person, the floor, or any object on, above or outside of a boundary or the supports or back of the backboard.
    • The ball is caused to go out-of-bounds by the last player to touch it before it goes out.
    • After the ball is out-of-bounds, the team that did not cause it to go out of bounds, shall designate a player to make the throw-in. She shall make the throw-in at the spot out-of-bounds nearest where the ball crossed the boundary.


    • Captain ball is a non-contact game. No player shall knock or push an opponent or interfere with her play, either accidentally or deliberately.
    • Swatting the ball away from a player is allowed only when that player has one hand on the ball; the same action is not permitted when the player has two hands on the ball. This applies to the catcher as well.
    • Bouncing the ball and moving with it (like dribbling in basketball), or deliberately using your legs to play the ball (such as to block/kick), is not allowed. However, if the ball touches/hits a player’s legs without her deliberate action, play continues.
    • Players are not allowed to “spike” the ball. A “spike” is defined as spike in a volleyball game.
    • For every violation committed, the ball will automatically be given to the opponent and the game will start from the opponent’s side.


    • Travelling Foul- A player may receive the ball with one foot grounded or may jump to catch and land on one foot. While that landing foot remains on the ground the other foot may be moved in any direction and any number of times, pivoting on the landing foot if desired. Hopping is not allowed.
    • A player may receive the ball whilst both feet are grounded, or may jump to catch and land on both feet simultaneously. The player may then choose to move either foot and the remaining foot shall then be considered to be the landing foot. Proceed as in above.
    • Jumping Foul - Occurs when a player with the ball jumps and then lands with the ball still in her hands. Once a player jumps with the ball in her hands, it must be released (whether via a pass or a try) before she lands.
    • Holding Foul - A player is allowed possession of the ball for a maximum of 5 seconds only. If the ball is still in her possession after 5 seconds, a holding foul is committed.
    • Defensive Foul- Where any contact is made on the player holding the ball, a defensive foul is committed.


    • Whenever a foul is committed, play is resumed on the spot, with the defending team standing at least 1 metre away until the ball has been passed or a shot has been attempted.
    • If the foul occurs within 1 metre of the catcher’s chair, the defending team is allowed to position only one player in front of the catcher to block the shot.

  3. Volleyball

    • 8 players per team - 6 on court and 2 Reserve players
    • Males and Females
    • Each time there must be at least 2 females on court playing


    • Server must serve from behind the restraining line (end line) until after contact.
    • Ball may be served underhand or overhand.
    • Ball must be clearly visible to opponents before serve.
    • Served ball may graze the net and drop to the other side for point.
    • First game serve is determined by a volley, each subsequent game shall be served by the previous game loser.
    • Serve must be returned by a bump only, no setting or attacking a serve.


    • Rally scoring will be used.
    • There will be a point scored on every score of the ball.
    • Offense will score on a defence miss or out of bounds hit.
    • Defence will score on an offensive miss, out of bounds hit, or serve into the net.
    • Each game is approximately 20 minutes
      (1st half: 8 minutes / Break: 3 minutes / 2nd Half: 8 minutes)


    • Team will rotate each time they win the serve.
    • Players shall rotate in a clockwise manner.
    • There shall be 6 players on each side. (Reserve Players : 2)
    • Maximum of three hits per side.
    • Player may not hit the ball twice in succession (A block is not considered a hit).
    • Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on serve.
    • A ball touching a boundary line is good.
    • A legal hit is contact with the ball by a player body above and including the waist which does not allow the ball to visibly come to a rest.
    • If two or more players contact the ball simultaneously, it is considered one play and the players involved may not participate in the next play.
    • A player must not block or attack a serve.
    • Switching positions will be allowed only between front line players. (After the serve only).


    • Rolling substitutions are allowed throughout the game.
    • There will be no stopping of time during substitutions.


    • Stepping on or over the line on a serve.
    • Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.
    • Hitting the ball illegally (Carrying, Palming, Throwing, etc.).
    • Touches of the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play. If the ball is driven into the net with such force that it causes the net to contact an opposing player, no foul will be called, and the ball shall continue to be in play.
    • Reaching over the net, except under these conditions:
      • When blocking a ball which is in the opponents’ court but is being returned (the blocker must not contact the ball until after the opponent who is attempting to return the ball makes contact). Except to block the third play.
      • Reaches under the net (if it interferes with the ball or opposing player).
      • Failure to serve in the correct order.
      • Blocks or spikes from a position which is clearly not behind the 10-foot line while in a back row position

  4. Tug-Of-War

    • 10 players per team. Advisable to have extras on stand by.
    • Males and Females (with minimum 4 females participating)


    There will be five tapes or markings fixed to a rope:

    • A red tape or marking at the centre of the rope which will be level with the ground mark at the start of every pull.
    • Two white tapes or markings each 4 metres either side of the red centre tape or marking
    • Two blue tapes or markings each 5 metres either side of the red centre tape or marking. The first puller in each team shall grip the rope within 30 cm, and outside of, these outer blue tapes or markings.


    • When teams are called they shall go to their designated end, pick up the rope and set their grip and footing.
    • When the Line Judge sees that each team is correctly in position, he or she will raise their arm.
    • One position shall be marked, at right angles to the line of the rope, where the centre of the rope will be at the start of competitions.

    TO WIN

    • A pull shall be won when one of the white tapes or markings on the rope has been pulled over the mark on the ground (4 metres), and will be signalled by the umpire blowing his or her whistle and pointing in the direction of the winning team.

  5. Athletics - 100m Sprint

    • 1 Team - 2 Males and 2 Females
    • Meaning that there will be 4 representatives from each organisation/society
    • Reserves are on Stand By only, they do not need to register


    • Participants will be allowed ONE false start.
    • There cannot be two false starts in any single race otherwise the last athlete to false start will be disqualified.
    • The Run:-
      • Participant will have to finish the run in their own designated lane.
      • Participant will be disqualified if they step on the line between the running lanes while running.
      • Participant will be disqualified if they run on the lane of the other participant.

    TO WIN

    • The runner that passes thru the finishing line first will win the race.

  6. Athletics - 4 x 400m Relay Run

    • 1 Team - 4 Males and 4 Females
    • Meaning that there will be 8 representatives from each organisation/society
    • Reserves are on Stand By only, they do not need to register


    • There will be FOUR runners in a team.
    • Participants are allowed ONE false start at the starting line.
    • There cannot be two false starts in any single race otherwise the last athlete to false start will be disqualified.


    • The first runner MUST remain in the same lane for the full lap.
    • After receiving the baton, the second runner may leave his/her lane after the first turn.
    • The third and fourth runners are assigned lanes based on the position of the team’s previous runner when he/she is halfway around the track.


    • The baton can only be passed within the exchange zone.
    • If the passing of baton is made outside the exchange zone, the team will be disqualified.
    • Passers must remain in their lanes after the pass to avoid blocking other runners.
    • The baton must be carried by hand throughout the race. If it’s dropped the runner can leave the lane to retrieve the baton as long as the recovery doesn’t lessen his/her total running distance.
    • Runners CANNOT wear gloves or place substances on their hands in order to obtain a better grip of the baton.

    TO WIN

    • The runner that passes thru the finishing line first will win the race.
    • After the race is completed, the last runner MUST hold and return the baton to the line keeper at the finishing line.
* Please note that you can join more than 1 category and that BUDDY is required to join ALL categories.

BUDDY is hoping that you'll be interested in joining in any or
ALL of the categories! Rules and the regulations of each game will be further notified, however there will be tropics awarded to the Top 3 winners of each games. Not just that, they will also award the 'Championship Trophy' for the overall winner!

Those who are interested can contact me at to let me know which category you'd like to join.

It'll be great if you could bring some friends along and we'll get to meet the other Buddhist youths in Klang Valley!
We'll need to register before 14 August, 2009 (Fri) so please let me know soon.

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